An oxymoronic term, ‘fake news’ has become synonymous with aspects of info-demic. Malaysia is no less susceptible to the vulnerabilities of the info-demic. However, there are idiosyncrasies in Malaysia’s legislative and fact-checking approaches which makes solutions decisively local.
The evolving threat of violent extremism has underscored the need for a multi-stakeholder response. In Malaysia, initiatives on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) have been predominantly state-led and prioritise reactive or ‘hard’ security measures over lasting prevention.
The value of a proactive constitutional monarch in Johor lies in the fact that the monarch can effectively unite different (even mutually suspicious and hostile) ethnic groups in a multi-ethnic country.
Via the organizational trust theory, insights can be obtained as to why accepting the royal mandate and not rushing to call for a snap election is ideal for Muhyiddin Yassin to become Malaysia’s PM8.