Terrorists continue to attack Indonesia’s security apparatus including its military (TNI). TNI needs to heighten security measures to prevent future attacks on its personnel and installations.
With the increasing roles of mothers in terrorism and the internet as a source of indoctrination, Indonesian youths are caught in between two significant spheres of influence.
Despite the pandemic, terrorist motivations to conduct attacks remain unabated. This demonstrates the need for the Indonesian government, assisted by the society and businesses, to set up deradicalization centres throughout Indonesia.
Youths are particularly vulnerable for recruitment by extremist groups. Recent findings revealed that such vulnerabilities may be attributed to psychology rather than ideology. We explain how significance motivation may be the key to understand youth extremism.
Droughts have hit parts of Indonesia, with Java affected the worst. But a group of villagers in a notoriously barren village in Yogyakarta have proven that preserved forests can provide an unlimited source of water.
The concerning riverine litter pollution in Indonesia poses a threat to public health. Governments, communities and producers play pivotal roles in addressing the issue.
An obstacle in eradicating human trafficking in Indonesia stems from issues in governance. This requires strengthening its vision, improving its strategy, leadership and coordination in policy implementation.
Many Indonesian nurses are affected by the slow absorption into a sector that is uncertain of its demand for them; a surplus-shortage paradox.
The Indonesian government’s plan to revise the existing UU ITE raises concerns from opposition and watchdogs speculating that the government is finding new means to criminalize freedom of speech.
The issue of money-politics in Indonesia’s regional elections is a worrying sign that rent-seeking interest still plagues its representational system. When social tensions are rising, representation might become a key issue to stability in the future.