China’s persistent aggressive tactics threaten the territorial integrity of the Philippines and the international maritime order.
The Philippine regulatory authorities aim to achieve the broader goals of fostering financial inclusion, promoting competition and delivering better outcomes for society. These goals are also pertinent to the cryptocurrency industry. Nevertheless, trust is needed to maintain the societal conventions regarding the use of money.
The Philippines has upheld international law on the South China Sea. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte declared that the 2016 Arbitral Award “is now part of international law, beyond compromise and beyond the reach of passing governments to dilute, diminish or abandon.”
Trumping traditional media, the Islamic State in East Asia has gone digital to reach the masses.
Female and children combatants of the different terrorist groups operating in the Philippines possess a myriad of skills. For women, this includes identifying safe havens for fighters, while children help provide surveillance activities of the police and military units in the area.
Women and children aligned with terrorist groups leverage gender and age dynamics for their benefit by claiming ignorance of terrorist acts so as to minimize their culpability.
Armed Forces of the Philippines’ official records show that the NPA communist-terrorist group has killed 13,304 of its troops from 1975 to June 2020. This is four times the soldiers killed by the MNLF and the MILF, and 5.5 times the soldiers killed by the Abu Sayyaf Group.